Binary Ninja Extended API Documentation

MainWindow Main Binary Ninja window.
ViewFrame A view frame, that is, the info panel and the main view bound to a particular binary view.
InfoPanel An info panel of a view frame.
HexEditor A hex editor view.
DisassemblyView A graph disassembly view.
StringsView A strings view.
LinearView A linear disassembly view.
TypeView A type view.
CrossReferenceItemDelegate An item delegate used to paint the cross references window.

Returns the focused main window. See MainWindow.getActiveWindow().


Returns the QColor corresponding to the symbolic theme color. :param name: one of address, symbol, or an integer

The binaryninjax module provides additional bindings to the C++ API not normally exposed by Binary Ninja. These bindings provide a more extensive programmatic access to its GUI.


Remember that the Python code normally executes on a non-UI thread. While Qt takes care of synchronization for most operations, any new objects (widgets, timers, etc) must be created on the main thread or they will not function correctly.