Source code for binaryninjax

from __future__ import print_function
import sys, os, traceback
from functools import wraps
import binaryninja as bn
from binaryninja import core as bnc
import sip
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtCore import Q_ARG, Q_RETURN_ARG
from ctypes import byref as c_byref, cast as c_cast, sizeof as c_sizeof
from ctypes import c_int, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int64

from ._selfsym import resolve_symbol

    for _on_reload_fn in _on_reload:
except NameError:
_on_reload = []

def on_main_thread(func):
    """Wrap `func` to synchronously execute on the main thread."""

    # or the arguments would get replaced with *args, **kwargs
    if os.getenv('READTHEDOCS'): return func

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        cell = [None] # no `nonlocal`
        def exn_wrapper():
                cell[0] = (True, func(*args, **kwargs))
            except Exception:
                cell[0] = (False, sys.exc_value)


        is_ok, result = cell[0]
        if is_ok:
            return result
            print("An exception has occurred while running a function on the main thread.\n"
                  "See the log window for the rest of the backtrace.",
            raise result
    return wrapper

def _q_meta_object_for_class(name):
    return sip.wrapinstance(resolve_symbol('_ZN{}{}16staticMetaObjectE'
                                           .format(len(name), name)),

class _CStaticMethodProxy(object):
    def __init__(self, func_name, func_sig):
        self._func_name = func_name
        self._func_sig = func_sig
        self._func = None

    def __call__(self, *args):
        if self._func is None:
            func_addr = resolve_symbol(self._func_name)
            if func_addr is None:
                raise AttributeError("Symbol {} is not defined".format(self._func_name))
            self._func = self._func_sig(func_addr)

        return self._func(*args)

class _CMethodProxy(object):
    def __init__(self, func, this_ptr):
        self._func = func
        self._this_ptr = this_ptr

    def __call__(self, *args):
        return self._func(self._this_ptr, *args)

class _CObjectProxy(object):
    _c_funcptrs = {}

    def __init__(self, c_ptr, c_api):
        self._c_ptr = c_ptr
        self._c_api = c_api

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr in self._c_api:
            func_name, func_sig = self._c_api[attr]
            if func_name not in self._c_funcptrs:
                func_addr = resolve_symbol(func_name)
                if func_addr is None:
                    raise AttributeError("Symbol {} is not defined".format(func_name))
                self._c_funcptrs[func_name] = func_addr
            func_addr = self._c_funcptrs[func_name]

            proxy = _CMethodProxy(func_sig(func_addr), self._c_ptr)
            setattr(self, attr, proxy)
            return proxy
            raise AttributeError("undefined method '{}'".format(attr))

    def _pointer(self):
        return sip.unwrapinstance(self._c_ptr)

class _QMethodProxy(object):
    def __init__(self, q_meta_object, q_self, name):
        self._q_meta_object = q_meta_object
        self._q_self = q_self = name

    def __call__(self, *args):
        self._q_meta_object.invokeMethod(self._q_self,, *args)

class _QObjectProxy(_CObjectProxy):
    _q_methods = {}
    _q_properties = {}

    def __init__(self, q_meta_object, q_object, c_api={}):
        _CObjectProxy.__init__(self, sip.unwrapinstance(q_object), c_api)
        self._q_meta_object = q_meta_object
        self._q_object = q_object

        if self._q_meta_object != q_object.metaObject():
            raise TypeError("proxy for '{}' cannot be initialized from a pointer to '{}'"

        if self._q_meta_object not in self._q_methods:
            self._q_methods[self._q_meta_object] = \
                 for n in range(self._q_meta_object.methodCount())]
        if self._q_meta_object not in self._q_properties:
            self._q_properties[self._q_meta_object] = \
                 for n in range(self._q_meta_object.propertyCount())]

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr in self._q_methods[self._q_meta_object]:
            proxy = _QMethodProxy(self._q_meta_object, self._q_object, attr)
            setattr(self, attr, proxy)
            return proxy
        elif attr in self._c_api:
            return _CObjectProxy.__getattr__(self, attr)
            return getattr(self._q_object, attr)

    def _className(self):
        return self._q_meta_object.className()

    def _methods(self):
        return self._q_methods[self._q_meta_object]

    def _properties(self):
        return self._q_properties[self._q_meta_object]

    def _all_children(self):
        children = []
        def find_all(widget):
            for child in widget.children():
        return children

_new          = _CStaticMethodProxy('_Znwm',
                                    CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_int))
_delete       = _CStaticMethodProxy('_ZdlPv',
                                    CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p))

# PyQt5 doesn't provide QString anymore, so we have to bind it ourselves.
class _QString(object):
    _c_api = {
        'QString':    ('_ZN7QStringC2EPKc', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_char_p)),
        '_d_QString': ('_ZN7QStringD2Ev',   CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p)),

    def __init__(self, value=None):
        self._owned = False
        if isinstance(value, c_void_p):
            self._c = _CObjectProxy(value, self._c_api)
        elif value is None or isinstance(value, str):
            _c_ptr = _new(c_sizeof(c_void_p))
            self._c = _CObjectProxy(_c_ptr, self._c_api)
            self._owned = True
            raise TypeError("QString can only be initialized with None, str, or a pointer")

    def __del__(self):
        if self._owned:

    def _pointer(self):
        return self._c._c_ptr

[docs]class MainWindow(object): """ Main Binary Ninja window. :ivar q: underlying Qt widget proxy """ _q_meta_object = _q_meta_object_for_class('MainWindow') _c_static_api = { 'getActiveWindow': _CStaticMethodProxy('_ZN10MainWindow15getActiveWindowEv', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p)) } _c_api = { 'openFilename': ('_ZN10MainWindow12openFilenameERK7QString', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p)), 'openUrl': ('_ZN10MainWindow7openUrlERK4QUrl', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p)), 'getCurrentView': ('_ZN10MainWindow14getCurrentViewEv', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p)) } try: _init_callbacks = MainWindow._init_callbacks _init_set = ViewFrame._init_set except NameError: _init_callbacks = [] _init_set = set()
[docs] @classmethod def getActiveWindow(cls): """ :return: the active main window :rtype: :class:`MainWindow` """ return cls(sip.wrapinstance(cls._c_static_api['getActiveWindow'](), QtWidgets.QMainWindow))
[docs] @classmethod def addInitCallback(cls, fn): """ Registers ``fn`` to be called each time a new main window is opened. :param fn: callback function :type fn: function(:class:`MainWindow`) """ cls._init_callbacks.append(fn)
[docs] @classmethod def removeInitCallback(cls, fn): """Unregisters ``fn``.""" cls._init_callbacks.remove(fn)
def __init__(self, q_main_window): self.q = _QObjectProxy(self._q_meta_object, q_main_window, self._c_api)
[docs] def newWindow(self): """Opens a new window.""" self.q.newWindow()
[docs] def newTab(self): """Opens a new tab.""" self.q.newTab()
[docs] def newBinary(self): """Opens a new tab with a new binary file.""" self.q.newBinary()
[docs] def nextTab(self): """Switches to next tab.""" self.q.nextTab()
[docs] def previousTab(self): """Switches to previous tab.""" self.q.previousTab()
[docs] def newWindowForTab(self): """Extracts the current tab into a new window.""" self.q.newWindowForTab()
[docs] def splitToNewTab(self): """Splits the current view into a new tab.""" self.q.splitToNewTab()
[docs] def splitToNewWindow(self): """Splits the current view into a new window.""" self.q.splitToNewWindow()
[docs] def closeTab(self): """Closes the current tab.""" self.q.closeTab()
[docs] def closeAll(self): """Closes all tabs.""" self.q.closeTab()
[docs] def navigateBack(self): """Navigates back in history.""" self.q.navigateBack(Q_ARG(bool, False))
[docs] def navigateForward(self): """Navigates forward in history.""" self.q.navigateForward(Q_ARG(bool, False))
[docs] def open(self): """Opens the file open dialog."""
[docs] @on_main_thread def openFilename(self, filename): """Opens the given filename in a new tab.""" q_filename = _QString(filename) self.q.openFilename(q_filename._pointer())
[docs] def openUrlDialog(self): """Opens the URL open dialog.""" self.q.openUrlDialog()
[docs] @on_main_thread def openUrl(self, url): """Opens the given URL in a new tab.""" q_url = QtCore.QUrl(url) self.q.openUrl(sip.unwrapinstance(q_url))
[docs] def save(self): """Saves the database.""" self.q.saveDatabase()
[docs] def saveAs(self): """Opens the binary contents save dialog.""" self.q.saveAs()
[docs] def getCurrentView(self): """ :return: view frame for the currently active tab :rtype: :class:`ViewFrame` """ p_view_frame = self.q.getCurrentView() if p_view_frame: q_view_frame = sip.wrapinstance(p_view_frame, QtWidgets.QWidget) return ViewFrame(q_view_frame)
[docs]class ViewFrame(object): """ A view frame, that is, the info panel and the main view bound to a particular binary view. :ivar q: underlying Qt widget proxy """ _q_meta_object = _q_meta_object_for_class('ViewFrame') _c_api = { 'back': ('_ZN9ViewFrame4backEv', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p)), 'forward': ('_ZN9ViewFrame7forwardEv', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p)), 'setViewType': ('_ZN9ViewFrame11setViewTypeERK7QString', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p)), 'getCurrentView': ('_ZN9ViewFrame14getCurrentViewEv', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p)), } try: _init_callbacks = ViewFrame._init_callbacks _init_set = ViewFrame._init_set except NameError: _init_callbacks = [] _init_set = set()
[docs] @classmethod def addInitCallback(cls, fn): """ Registers ``fn`` to be called each time a new view frame (i.e. a tab) is opened. :param fn: callback function :type fn: function(:class:`ViewFrame`) """ cls._init_callbacks.append(fn)
[docs] @classmethod def removeInitCallback(cls, fn): """Unregisters ``fn``.""" cls._init_callbacks.remove(fn)
def __init__(self, q): self.q = _QObjectProxy(self._q_meta_object, q, self._c_api)
[docs] @on_main_thread def back(self): """Navigates back in history.""" self.q.back()
[docs] @on_main_thread def forward(self): """Navigates forward in history.""" self.q.forward()
[docs] @on_main_thread def setViewType(self, binary_view_type, disasm_view_type): """ Sets the type of binary view and type of disassembly view. :param binary_view_type: registered binary view type, e.g. ``"ELF"`` :param disasm_view_type: pre-existing types are ``"Hex"``, ``"Graph"``, ``"Linear"``, ``"Strings"``, and ``"Types"`` :return: ``True`` if successful, ``False`` otherwise """ q_ident = _QString(binary_view_type + ":" + disasm_view_type) return self.q.setViewType(q_ident._pointer()) != 0
[docs] def getInfoPanel(self): """ :return: the info panel of this view frame :rtype: :class:`InfoPanel` """ for child in self.q._all_children(): if child.metaObject() == InfoPanel._q_meta_object: return InfoPanel(child) return None
[docs] def getView(self): """ :return: the main view widget of this view frame :rtype: :class:`HexEditor`, :class:`DisassemblyView`, :class:`StringsView`, :class:`LinearView`, :class:`TypeView`, or an user-defined subclass. """ for child in self.q._all_children(): if isinstance(child, QtWidgets.QWidget) and child.isVisible(): view = View.getViewFromWidget(child) if view is not None: return view
[docs]class InfoPanel(object): """ An info panel of a view frame. :ivar q: underlying Qt widget proxy """ _q_meta_object = _q_meta_object_for_class('InfoPanel') def __init__(self, q): self.q = _QObjectProxy(self._q_meta_object, q)
[docs] def getTabWidget(self): """ :return: the tab widget of this info panel :rtype: ``QtWidgets.QTabWidget`` """ for child in self.q._all_children(): if child.metaObject() == QtWidgets.QTabWidget.staticMetaObject: return child
_bn_new_ref_fns = {} def _from_bn_smart_ptr(ptr, c_type, new_ref): if new_ref not in _bn_new_ref_fns: _bn_new_ref_fns[new_ref] = _CStaticMethodProxy(new_ref, CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p)) new_ref_fn = _bn_new_ref_fns[new_ref] # The layout of class CoreRefCountObject is as follows: # void* vtbl; # int m_refs; # T* m_object; # We need m_object. c_object = c_cast(ptr + c_sizeof(c_void_p) * 2, CPOINTER(c_void_p)).contents return bnc.handle_of_type(c_cast(new_ref_fn(c_object), c_void_p), c_type) def _binary_view_from_cxx_ref(ptr): return bn.BinaryView(handle=_from_bn_smart_ptr(ptr, bnc.BNBinaryView, 'BNNewViewReference')) class View(object): """ The base class of all views. :ivar q: underlying Qt widget proxy """ @classmethod def getViewFromWidget(cls, q_widget): for subcls in cls.__subclasses__(): if q_widget.metaObject() == subcls._q_meta_object: return subcls(q_widget) def __init__(self, q): self.q = _QObjectProxy(self._q_meta_object, q, self._c_api)
[docs]class HexEditor(View): """ A hex editor view. :ivar q: underlying Qt widget proxy """ _q_meta_object = _q_meta_object_for_class('HexEditor') _c_api = { 'getData': ('_ZN9HexEditor7getDataEv', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p)), }
[docs] def getBinaryView(self): """ :return: the binary view of this view """ return _binary_view_from_cxx_ref(self.q.getData())
[docs]class DisassemblyView(View): """ A graph disassembly view. :ivar q: underlying Qt widget proxy """ _q_meta_object = _q_meta_object_for_class('DisassemblyView') _c_api = { 'getData': ('_ZN15DisassemblyView7getDataEv', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p)), }
[docs] def getBinaryView(self): """ :return: the binary view of this view """ return _binary_view_from_cxx_ref(self.q.getData())
[docs]class StringsView(View): """ A strings view. :ivar q: underlying Qt widget proxy """ _q_meta_object = _q_meta_object_for_class('StringsView') _c_api = { 'getData': ('_ZN11StringsView7getDataEv', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p)), 'navigate': ('_ZN11StringsView8navigateEm', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_int64)) }
[docs] def getBinaryView(self): """ :return: the binary view of this view """ return _binary_view_from_cxx_ref(self.q.getData())
[docs] def navigate(self, addr): """ :param addr: address of the string to highlight :type addr: int :return: ``True`` if successful, ``False`` otherwise """ return self.q.navigate(addr) != 0
[docs]class LinearView(View): """ A linear disassembly view. :ivar q: underlying Qt widget proxy """ _q_meta_object = _q_meta_object_for_class('LinearView') _c_api = { 'getData': ('_ZN10LinearView7getDataEv', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p)), }
[docs] def getBinaryView(self): """ :return: the binary view of this view """ return _binary_view_from_cxx_ref(self.q.getData())
[docs]class TypeView(View): """ A type view. :ivar q: underlying Qt widget proxy """ _q_meta_object = _q_meta_object_for_class('TypeView') _c_api = { 'getData': ('_ZN10TypeView7getDataEv', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p)), }
[docs] def getBinaryView(self): """ :return: the binary view of this view """ return _binary_view_from_cxx_ref(self.q.getData())
[docs]class CrossReferenceItemDelegate(object): """ An item delegate used to paint the cross references window. This delegate expects the display role of the cell to contain data in a simple hierarchical format: :: color = 0xffffff text = "some text" word = [color, text] line = [word, word, ...] lines = [line, line, ...] :ivar q: underlying Qt widget proxy """ _q_meta_object = _q_meta_object_for_class('CrossReferenceItemDelegate') _c_api = { '_constructor': ('_ZN26CrossReferenceItemDelegateC1EP7QWidget', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p)), '_destructor': ('_ZN26CrossReferenceItemDelegateD1Ev', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p)), 'updateFonts': ('_ZN26CrossReferenceItemDelegate11updateFontsEv', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p)), } def __init__(self, parent=None): c_ptr = _new(0x30) if parent: if not isinstance(parent.q._q_object, QtCore.QObject): raise TypeError("parent must be None or an object") _CObjectProxy(c_ptr, self._c_api)._constructor(parent.q._c_ptr) else: _CObjectProxy(c_ptr, self._c_api)._constructor(None) q_object = sip.wrapinstance(c_ptr, QtCore.QObject) self.q = _QObjectProxy(self._q_meta_object, q_object, self._c_api)
[docs]def getActiveWindow(): """Returns the focused main window. See :meth:`MainWindow.getActiveWindow`.""" return MainWindow.getActiveWindow()
_getThemeColor = _CStaticMethodProxy('_Z13getThemeColor10ThemeColor', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_int))
[docs]def getThemeColor(name): """ Returns the ``QColor`` corresponding to the symbolic theme color. :param name: one of ``address``, ``symbol``, or an integer """ if name == 'address': name = 0 if name == 'symbol': name = 0x19 q_color = QtGui.QColor() _getThemeColor(sip.unwrapinstance(q_color), name) return q_color
class _ApplicationEventFilter(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) q_app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() q_app.installEventFilter(self) _on_reload.append(lambda: q_app.removeEventFilter(self)) def eventFilter(self, watched, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Show: for cls in [MainWindow, ViewFrame]: if watched.metaObject() == cls._q_meta_object and watched not in cls._init_set: cls._init_set.add(watched) def cleanup(): if watched in cls._init_set: cls._init_set.remove(watched) watched.destroyed.connect(cleanup) obj = cls(watched) for callback in cls._init_callbacks: try: callback(obj) except: bn.log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False bn.mainthread.execute_on_main_thread_and_wait(lambda: _ApplicationEventFilter())